
The Mediafleet approach to sustainability is the same approach we adopt to all aspects of our business.


The initiatives we have created are real, deliverable and measurable

We identify the most important aspects and define procedures to enable us to achieve our goals. Although sustainability is a vast topic with many initiatives, Mediafleet has focussed on three important areas that significantly improve sustainability.

Energy management is a rapidly growing business agenda item due to aggressive environmental initiatives concerning climate change and global carbon reduction.

Mediafleet will endeavor to meet or exceed the following energy management targets:

  • Reduce operating expenses by actively and responsibly managing energy consumption
  • Demonstrate commitment to public safety by reducing pollution associated with energy use
  • Reduce energy consumption in existing buildings by 30% over a 5-year period
  • Acquire, and/or construct all new buildings to achieve 30% energy savings via building energy codes
  • Reduce carbon emissions associated with energy consumption by 40% by 2025

Mediafleet Energy Management Targets

We endeavour to meet or exceed the following energy management targets:

Reduce Energy Consumption by
Reduce Carbon Emissions by

Mediafleet has to date:

  • Implemented department training initiatives on energy saving techniques
  • Installed energy saving light bulbs and strip lights
  • Installed door closers
  • Improved building insulation

Mediafleet has serious ambitions to reduce its carbon output

Implementing sustainable business practices can build goodwill with increasingly environmentally conscious customers

Mediafleet adopts the principles of the ‘best practical environmental option’ in the delivery of its waste management and will reduce, reuse, and recover waste products in preference to the disposal of waste to landfill.

The Mediafleet initiatives include:

  • Waste Reduction – Also known as waste minimisation, to reduce the amount of waste materials being produced.
  • Re-utilisation of waste – To continually re-use an item in order to eliminate the use of resources in buying/making new items.
  • Recovering Waste – Waste produced off site is recovered and disposed of correctly on return to the Mediafleet complex.
  • Waste Disposal – Waste is collected via a responsible waste services business for proper disposal
Mediafleet Waste Policy

Mediafleet has to date:

  • Contracted with Veolia waste Management for the collection of waste
  • Mediafleet vinyl applicators collect all waste whilst on a third-party site and return it to Mediafleet for proper disposal
  • Vinyl packaging is re-used for the shipment of finished graphics

The general aim of Mediafleet’s transport policy is to reduce environmental impact and improve performance by minimising pollution and noise to improve vehicle efficiency. Transportation is one of the weakest links for many organisations when it comes to carbon emissions. According to figures from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, in 2018, transport accounted for 33% of all CO2 emissions in the UK.

Transitioning to electric transport makes environmental and business sense. This initiative supports our sustainable working targets to reduce our environmental impact.


Mediafleet Transport Management Targets

We endeavour to meet or exceed the following energy management targets:

100% alternatively fuelled company fleet by
Number of fully electric vans on our fleet by 2025

The Mediafleet transport initiatives include:

  • As part of our fleet vehicle electrification, Mediafleet has committed to a phased integration of electric vehicles into the fleet that we directly control.
  • We are aiming for the fleet to be 100% ‘alternative fuelled vehicles’ by 2025.
  • We have a fleet of approximately 40 company vehicles. The car fleet is now fully electric.
  • Our aim is to electrify the van fleet (16 vehicles) and we are planning the integration of AFV’s based on the nature of the work to be done by these vehicles. This will be a phased introduction.
  • In addition, when needed, we will choose to partner with car hire and taxi companies who offer or use electric vehicles.
  • We have installed charging points at the Mediafleet complex in Witney, Oxfordshire.
  • Careful consideration is give to journey planning to minimise fuel usage.
Featured Article

With governments across the globe setting targets for reduced emissions by 2025, organisations are turning to ‘alternative fuel vehicles’ as replacements for fossil fuelled vehicles.

The electric vehicle transition is happening, as witnessed first-hand by Mediafleet. Alternatively fuelled vehicles (AFVs), such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hybrids, are currently the focus of corporate ambitions in reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality.


How we can help you

Engaging with Mediafleet provides the best solution for all your graphics needs – from creative design through to print, application and customer care – all via our range of ‘in-house’ services